Use the potential and knowledge of our engineers to quickly achieve your project’s goals! We provide a complex Engineering Services Outsourcing (ESO) offer.
Don’t hire a full-time engineer, contact us to do a project or carry out a task and we will handle the rest. We offer a team of highly qualified specialists, provide licensed software and services of the highest possible quality.
Outsourced engineering enables to carry out a project in the shortest possible time and eliminates the need to invest in specialized project solutions. We offer overnight projects with full servicing options.
Our offer covers a range of engineering specialisations, from CAD designs through prototypes up to optimized solutions.

Outsourced Engineering

Outsourced Engineering – advantages
The advantages of outsourced engineering include:
- Lower hourly rates
- Full flexibility, no need to keep an employee during times with less projects
- No need to buy hardware or software for the project, lower costs of carrying out tasks
- Specialists covering a variety of industries, access to experts from various fields, including ones difficult to find on the labour market
- No recruitment costs or need to wait for an employee
- No need to hire specialists for a long-term contract – we carry out big and smaller projects, you only pay for what you need
- “Overnight” option – as far as it’s possible projects are carried out within 12 or 24 hours starting from the moment we are hired

Outsourced engineering – who is it for?
Our offer is aimed at planning & design companies, industrial plants, companies from various industries carrying out technical projects as well as individuals.
Our engineering team can support a client’s engineers, which is a cost-effective solution or be a substitute in case of staff shortages, especially for specialized projects.
If you don’t have a contractor for your projects, the dates offered by specialists are too far away or you need a task to be taken care of right away, check our capabilities!

Outsourced engineering – our offer
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